My love
My soul cries out to you every moment of the day
wanting you, wanting every inch of your being
to know you better than I know myself
to understand why you and I have found
us and why it is so powerful in my heart
You've taken over my mind my being with your kindness, your words, your energy comes to me when I least expect it. I think of you and a moment later you are there with words that elate my heart so that it beats faster and faster till I feel it will lift right out of my chest.
At home at night you are so real to me that I expect to find you there waiting for me. To see your beautiful eyes smiling, they knowing exactly what you do to me - even from the distance. I long for your arms to hold me that at times I think you are there and that the warmth of your skin is against mine and that if I turn to see your face it will be there your hands reaching for my cheek. Even now, my chest is rising to meet your touch only finding it's been deceived by wanting yet again.
I feel you places that the mind should not be able to without you physically here with me. Sometimes causing me to blush at the pleasure I have with you with me in that way. When I find my way to bed each night I take you with me, wanting your touch on my skin to be real but instead I look at your face resting beside me on a pillow I've saved for you.
I sleep, but I hear you off in the distance, still awake, wanting what we both want but you seem content with this for now while I struggle a little to accept it as normal for us for now.
come to me when you are ready: I wait for you. I am only broken if you choose not to stay and I am only bruised if you say never. For every hair on my head longs for your touch and the pleasure it will bring your fingers and how wonderful it will be when you are able to place your face where is lays.
Who are you this soul that reaches through time, that knows my mind and my thoughts before they come to me. How have you come to know me this intimately or have I always known you were there somewhere seeing me. Have our souls undressed each other over time that you now see me bare and if so, I am not afraid. I want for you to see me and know me this way.
Bring us together, show me how, guide me gently ~ I trust you with my heart and me. Oh my love, fill me with you.