written by: Janette Marie
Wasn't wrapped in pretty paper
or tied with a shiny bow
yet I received this speical gift
so unexpectedly
It arrived one very ordinary day
opening up my heart
pouring tears from my eyes
bringing me to my knees
It was on my knees
with tearfilled eyes
and an open heart
that I could see
I saw a light
shining bright
closing my eyes
I found I could hear
What I heard were his words
words making things so clear
telling me to make a change
that I am worth what I hold dear
a life of love - a life with peace
I've learned that I must forgive
that loving is the way
that I must choose to love
and live in His grace
To appreciate each moment
to find joy not chore in all I do
to see the world through new eyes
and a heart open to Love
I thank you my friend
for your loving gift
you gave me back my life
a life with love and a life with peace
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