© 2010 Janette Marie
May 22, 1981
The world is a dance floor
crowded with people
Everywhere I look
no partner is left.
Everyone is taken
everyone but me.
I am the odd one
left to dance alone.
Summer 1986 (untitled) © 2010 Janette Marie
You excite my mind
expanding my horizons
Thus making my world exciting
You challenge my wit and
encourage it back
thus adding humor to my day
You sense my feelings and understand
thus making me feel important
You share your thoughts and concerns
Thus showing that you trust
You always keep me guessing
thus adding adventure to my life
You will always smile
Thus letting me know you care
You are all these things and more
Thus my reasons for loving you.
I wonder if you. . .
. . . feel
. . . see
. . . want
. . . need and
. . . Love
Like me?
Haiku (Seasons) December 13, 1979
each written by Janette © 2010 Janette Marie
As I look outside
the wind blows and the snow falls
till the seasons change
After the rains start
the flowers start to come up
then kissed by the sun.
Barefoot in the grass
the hot sun beaming down
until the night comes
Sitting outside now
the orange sun is setting
down to go to sleep