Where are you my love
I need to know
how you are
How do I reach your heart
to tell you how I feel
I wonder through my days
just going through motions
none of it has meaning
while we are apart
Wherever I go I look for you
I try without success to not worry
Going on with life because I must
wishing you were here
you really are part of my life.
This feels so much like a novel
that is just being written
author cannot put on paper
words to finish the tale
How to complete a story of love
across the miles
the miles that separate
you from my heart.
Love of my life
sustenance of my soul
return to help write the words
to the novel
our love story.
Heaven is so close
When I close my eyes to sleep
That's when my mind is silent
then, I can hear your voice.
Your heart is beating ever so near
your smile is warm upon my face
I know that you are with me
as I sleep each night.
The comfort of your love at night
sustains my heart by night
my heart aches the moment I wake
and struggles to beat through my days.
I look forward to night
when I can close my eyes
sleep in your arms
share our love in my dreams
I wish the night would never end
my dreams are the only place
I see happiness.
Written by: Janette Marie
Like a morning without a sunrise
An evening without the moon
A summer day without a wispy breeze
So are my days when you are gone.
The clock keeps ticking
Hands go round and round
Sun comes up and goes back down
things that happen are just in between
Without you near to share them
they seem so less special.
The spark you give to every moment
your words, your thoughts,
your endless love
bring extra joy to all these things
held within a day and leave me longing for you
whenever you are gone
To gaze at the sky
and long for your face.
To hear the laughter of children
and long to hear yours.
To see a shooting star
and long for my heart to feel you near.
To sit alone in the quiet of the night
and long to hear the sound of your breath.
Please never take a road
that leads away from me
You'll take the sunrise
from my days and
the glow of the moon
from my heart.
My world without you
would be incomplete
and scattered like the light
across the ocean at sunset.
What happened to our country
Land where we were free
Spacious skies
clean air to breathe
where have we gone
I remember Moms home with their babies
Children playing outside
from dawn to dusk
sounds of their laughter and happy voices
Summer nights ~ Chasing fireflies
How far do we go
before we stop and ask why
joys of our childhood
Lost to our memory
Games of two square & Hopscotch
and hide & go seek
Lemonade stands
Ice cream trucks
Staring at clouds....
Oh, what does it look like
all in the land we call home
We see war and hate on TV
Not Love and Peace
Great Accomplishments
like first walk on the moon
TV and video games babysitting our children
From Grace at dinner
to huddling in fear of bombs
From drive-in-movies
to drive-by-shootings
When will we say enough
and start to change
We can't turn back the clock
But we can change
the way we think
we can change what we will tolerate
and we can fix the wrongs
We can have the world of Peace and Love
but only if we take the first step
and we take it together.
If I could give my love
away to you today
I'd hand it to you
along with a Single Rose
A Single Rose of many colors
to symbolize your complexity
Red for your heart
that fits so well with mine
Purple for the passion
shared between two lovers
Yellow for the sunshine
your smile brings to my heart
Pink for the laughter
you've brought to my life
white for the innocence
of new love
If I could give my love
away to you today
I'd hand it to you
along with a Single Rose
This Single Rose of many colors
also has some thorns
the thorns are to remind us
how precious our love is
that although there will be challenges;
with love, we'll face them together
and find strength in each other.
If I could give my love
away to you today
I'd hand it to you
along with a Single Rose
A Single Rose of many colors
to signify our love
white for the promise of unity
yellow for the caring words
we'll share between each other
Pink for the promise
to always love each other
Purple to remind us to protect
the preciousness of our love
Red to remind us of the
importance of romance.
If I could give my love
away to you today
I'd hand it to you
along with a Single Rose.
The Single Rose of many colors
will live forever in our hearts
Petals soft like your touch upon my heart
The fragrance a reminder of the sweetness of our love
the stem is sturdy like the strength of our bond
The leaves are fresh and strong
for how we'll face each day together.
If I could give my love
away to you today.
I'd hand it to you
along with a Single Rose
with Petals of many colors.
Two hearts meet in an unlikely place
holding hands is a beautiful state
the rush of emotions
compares to the tide
to the flutter in the heart
as their eyes meet.
At the edge of the land
standing hand in hand
eyes focused together
breathing in sync
tides in and out over our feet
such a place of emotions yet to meet.
A moment it takes for two hearts to bond
quick as the waves rush to the shore
within two hearts meant to be one
one can hear a story told
Stories heard within these hearts
were told by ancients scores ago
remain in the place of emotions
feel the rush of your tide upon the shore
hear the splash of your laughter
and love on your feet as
you stand together in the place of emotions
Don't fear the emotions
upon your feet
together your strenth withstands the tide
your eyes see the beauty in
the place of emotions as
your hearts beat the rhythm to
answer that of the tides
Many waves of emotions visit the shore
as many as the emotions within our hearts
This Place of Emotions
Is being in Love.
In the quiet of the night
I can hear your heart beating.
In the Stillness of the night
I can feel your breath on my face.
In the dark of the night I feel
your lips on my cheek
your tender touch along my face
My sweetest love I long to see your face
to see you smile, to hear you laugh
to know your thoughts
throughout the day
to share our time and enjoy love.
Love is often misunderstood
to love you is to give you happiness
truest love asks for nothing but
receives all it needs
I pledge love to you
in the purest form I can give
I promise everyday to practice till perfect
My heart needs you
my mind desires yours
my love desires a place to grow
and it has chosen your heart.
Learn what they are shown Opportunity to be loved and to grow Vision of possibilities given to sow Excite their minds with positive ideas
Love them with all your heart and mind Offer joy and wisdom and plenty of hugs Voices united in good conversation Exciting their desires to learn and Love
Lifting their hearts and minds to greatness Opening their hearts and minds to the world Voices used to express their thoughts freely Expanding their hearts and minds to love all
Love taught to eliminate hate and war Offer greatness for new leaders to achieve a Perfect World Vacant of negativity that destroys Love Expressive of Gods pure joy and love.
I often wish I'd met you
just walking in the park
while still in our youth long ago.
Dreams of all the could have been
and all the things that might not have been
if we had just been friends.
How different life would have been
if I had a friend where
total trust could exist
Dreams of the life ahead to share
talking .learning and sharing together
whatever life held for us.
Dreams of all the could have been
and all the things that might not have been
If we had just been friends.
Now we'd know each other
better than friends
knowing by a glance
the other's heart.
Seeing beyond the surface
to the Ray of Colors below
Glowing with acceptance
tolerance and peace.
Dreams of all the could have been
and all the things that might not have been
If we had just been friends.
Years would go by
Smiles, comfort, love
will always remain
when time comes to part
we'll still be best of friends
until we meet again
walking in the park.
Dreams of all the could have been
and all the things that might not have been
If we had just been friends.
Feel like we are being punished
by a past I'm not a part of
a past that will take away
any future we may have.
Today just take my hand
allow our souls to touch
yesterday doesn't care anymore
so leave it there all alone.
Tomorrow; lets not look
our eyes are older and don't see so well
Just look at me~~~here in today
let your trust into my heart
and let love return in our eyes
Breathe in the present
sip the sweet familiar wine
of new love whose time is now
let the future let us have love.