away to you today
I'd hand it to you
along with a Single Rose
A Single Rose of many colors
to symbolize your complexity
Red for your heart
that fits so well with mine
Purple for the passion
shared between two lovers
Yellow for the sunshine
your smile brings to my heart
Pink for the laughter
you've brought to my life
white for the innocence
of new love
If I could give my love
away to you today
I'd hand it to you
along with a Single Rose
This Single Rose of many colors
also has some thorns
the thorns are to remind us
how precious our love is
that although there will be challenges;
with love, we'll face them together
and find strength in each other.
If I could give my love
away to you today
I'd hand it to you
along with a Single Rose
A Single Rose of many colors
to signify our love
white for the promise of unity
yellow for the caring words
we'll share between each other
Pink for the promise
to always love each other
Purple to remind us to protect
the preciousness of our love
Red to remind us of the
importance of romance.
If I could give my love
away to you today
I'd hand it to you
along with a Single Rose.
The Single Rose of many colors
will live forever in our hearts
Petals soft like your touch upon my heart
The fragrance a reminder of the sweetness of our love
the stem is sturdy like the strength of our bond
The leaves are fresh and strong
for how we'll face each day together.
If I could give my love
away to you today.
I'd hand it to you
along with a Single Rose
with Petals of many colors.